Suzette West

Feb 7, 20233 min

The Transformational Hero's Journey of An A-Player Leader

The transformation of a caterpillar into a butterfly typifies the hero’s journey of inclusive leadership development. This metamorphosis is an apt metaphor for the process of personal and professional growth that leaders must undergo to create an equitable, inclusive workplace culture beginning with the leader’s inner work and personal transformation.

It is a remarkable illustration of the transformative power of embracing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives in organizational settings. Yet, to get to this place, it is essential to embrace all the phases of the journey. This article will examine all the transformative steps needed to undergo the transformational hero’s journey that will create A-Player Leaders:

The First Steps Toward Meaningful Change

Leadership development starts with self-reflection and understanding one’s own biases and privileges. Leaning into complex emotions and sitting with the discomfort associated with these emotions are the first steps toward making meaningful change. Leaders must challenge themselves to be open-minded to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences that may not typically align with their views.

Suspending Judgment and Considering Different Perspectives

The ability to consider different worldviews while suspending judgment is a critical skill. Through this process, leaders can strive to create a sense of community and psychological safety within their people by discussing issues related to DEI in a safe and open forum. These conversations can help individuals better understand one another’s differences and build relationships based on a shared understanding of what it means to be “inclusive.”

Persevering Through Discomfort and Difficult Emotions

Just as the caterpillar struggles through its stages of metamorphosis into a butterfly, those on the path toward more equitable leadership must also go through periods of uncomfortable growth and perseverance that ultimately lead to meaningful change. The experience of discomfort that accompanies growth may sometimes mean pushing beyond existing comfort zones, taking risks, and following informed intuitive guidance.

It’s Human Nature to Fear Change

Humans often find change to be a difficult, uncomfortable, and sometimes frightening experience. This fear of change is rooted in our evolution as a species, where a sudden change could mean the difference between life and death. We have become accustomed to stability, and even minor changes can trigger fear in many people. This feeling can manifest in physical symptoms such as sweating or an upset stomach or mental anxieties such as restlessness and difficulty concentrating.

Furthermore, changes can put us in unfamiliar and uncomfortable situations that may lead to uncertainty and insecurity. People might also desire familiarity due to past experiences that are more comforting than being presented with something completely new and unknown. Thus, all these factors can contribute to humans having a difficult time dealing with the prospect of change which can be incredibly paralyzing at times.

Despite this fear, it is essential to remember that differences are not evil; instead, they may serve us best when seen as an opportunity for growth and improvement. By understanding the source of our fear, we can work on overcoming it to embrace the potential for new possibilities that come with any form of change.

Walking Through the Fire of Initiation

The fire of initiation is a longstanding and iconic plot device in many classic hero’s journey stories. It symbolizes the transformation of an everyday person into a hero capable of facing great trials and overcoming impossible odds. In these tales, this rite of passage often ignites the hero’s courage and strength, inspiring them to break free from the bonds of their previous life and take up the challenge before them.

Furthermore, it highlights a sense of purpose and destiny that often guides the character on their quest throughout the story. Other themes associated with this include self-discovery, redemption, and coming of age.

The transformational hero’s journey can indeed create A-Player leaders. It’s all about using the process to inspire positive change.

